
Sanctions are terrors,severe punishumento is brutal crime

Is it effective in the severe punishment and punishment?It cannot be said that it is attended that is the incompleteness theorem of Gёdel. Because it is no contradiction to do it, it is not effective.
Why is this done?It is because of regulations of the law.
The law indeed established a brutal society. This recognition cannot be done.
It is because of not being of wanting the formation of the meta-order of the law. It philosophizes for can the bird's-eyeview the law and the effect. It is not. What is it?
The incompleteness theorem of Gёdel is said it is not possible to be done. Then, what is being possible to do?It only has to take the even number of the incompleteness theorem of Gёdel.
What is the person's being able to decide it?It loves.
What is it contradiction to the person?The person is believed.
These were to love person, to believe the person, and to have contradicted though were able to do. It is killed by this, and it is damaged. Therefore, these are effective. This is an even number of the incompleteness theorem of Gёdel.
The religion was this originally. The present age reached an advanced, religious stage.
Trust in God. Do what an unpleasant person can do.


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