
Japanese culture and Schroedinger equation

古池や 蛙飛び込む 水の音Sound of water that old pond and frog jump into it
When it is made to correspond to the Schroedinger equation, conversion Co operator of ψ and things Hλ that exists in the Hψ=λψ ψ old pond world and the space λ word reality to jump into it of this.
This phrase sang the mindscape of the man existence. The old pond, the frog, and the sound in a word made the image holography from the hologram from this rock garden.
This phrase sang the root structure of the Japanese culture out in a loud voice.
My Murasaki Shikibu thought to the deciphermentThe Schrodinger equation was used.
The imagination of The Tale of Genji was assumed, and the word of ψ and The Tale of Genji was assumed to be λ, and, in a word, H was assumed to be Murasaki Shikibu thought.
The world recognition that used the meta order of Western Europe was y=f(x), x and y were a real floor types, and f recognized the world by the meta order and this.
The function's not having been discovered in China was the meta order as there was no paradox but the processing, and reached the idea of becoming it the function.
And, at the present ageThe meta order recognition went and it rebuked it. Recognition cannot process the earth society by the philosophy.
It is an imagination by the Schroedinger equation that can recognize the world of the present. This is a Japanese culture. In a word, it corresponds to the Murasaki Shikibu thought.
The Murasaki Shikibu thought corresponds to the world of the present.

古池や 蛙飛び込む 水の音
これはシュレーディンガー方程式に対応させると、Hψ=λψψ古池 世界や宇宙λ言葉 現実に存在する物事H飛び込む ψとλの変換子演算子
この句は人間存在の心象風景を歌った。つまり古池・蛙・音のことがホログラムから、この石庭から 心象ホログラフィーを作った。

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